Habibi Boss Shahada Karim Highlights the Importance of Mobility

By Community via Money For Lunch | on September 27, 2021

Wellness entrepreneur and Habibi Sport founder Shahada Karim believes in the power of movement.

“So many people take the gift of mobility for granted; unfortunately, it’s one of those things that you don’t pay attention to until it’s gone. We often assume that our bodies break down and mobility gets more difficult because we’ve gotten older, but the truth is that chronic aches and pains do not have to be part of the aging process.”

With the continuing rise of the modern sedentary lifestyle, more people – particularly in the younger age groups – are developing chronic body issues long before they reach a predictable age of deterioration. Karim says the solution is, very simply, to get up and move. “It doesn’t have to be some kind of fancy workout – just get upthat’s the first step.”

Karim suggests starting simple with a walk, and then as you get used to regular movement, seek out exercises that interest and excite you. “If you don’t like an exercise, you won’t be consistent. So pick something you like so that you’re interested enough to keep it going.”

Not sure where to start? Karim suggests going online to find your ideal fitness fit. “Platforms like YouTube are full of movement techniques, workouts and trainers from all over the world.”

Once you’ve found something you like, explore the possibility of working one on one with a trainer in that specialty, or finding live and virtual classes to keep you engaged. “No matter what you choose, be sure to have fun with it. Working out should not be a chore. Take your time, and remember to breathe.”

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