It’s Summer… LET’S EAT!

Summer might easily be classified as one of most colorful and most juicy seasons of the year. We get to choose from a wide array of fruits and vegetables that are as gorgeous as they are good for you. And the best part is, there are so many ways to enjoy all of the things that summer has to offer.

APRICOTS: If you haven’t scored one of the best offerings of the spring/summer season, what are you waiting for? Rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene, apricots are excellent for promoting eye health. Apricot nutrients also help to reduce the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts.

AVOCADOS: You’ve no doubt heard that this fruit is a great source of healthy fats. But avocados are also an excellent source of potassium and folate. And the best part is, avocados are rich in fiber, which is fantastic for a healthy gut and healthy digestion.

BANANAS: This popular fruit is available worldwide, and is easy to incorporate into your daily nutrition. They are rich in soluble fiber, and also resistant starch. Together, these two types of fiber may help moderate your blood sugar levels. That starch also behaves as a pre-biotic, making them a great choice to aid gut health and overall digestion.

BEETS: Many people associate beets with the later months in the season, because this root vegetable is so rich in color and earthy flavor. But beets are abundant in the summer, and can be eaten alone or incorporated into both savory and sweet recipes (including smoothies)! Beets are packed with folate, manganese, potassium and iron. Consuming beets can help keep your blood pressure in check, and even improve your athletic performance.

CANTALOUPE: This melon is often overlooked, despite its abundance of healthy vitamins and nutrients. In addition to beta-carotene, vitamin c and folate… cantaloupe also contains the one thing guaranteed to flush you out: water. This melon is almost 90% water. So eating cantaloupe can help you stay hydrated for hours.

CHERRIES: These long-stemmed fruits are one of the superstars of summer. They are delicious alone, in a salad or blended into a smoothie or dessert. In addition to vitamin C, cherries also contain vitamin A and vitamin K. They are also rich in anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. Those properties may help reduce post-workout recovery time.

CORN: You may often find this popular selection on the grill in the the summertime. Corn is high in carbohydrates, but also contains fiber and … believe it or not… protein. Still, it’s not a good idea to use corn as a primary protein source, as it is considered on the low end in terms of quality.

CUCUMBER: If you’re familiar with the Habibi lifestyle, you know that we are major advocates of ‘eating’ your water. Cucumbers are a great way to do that! They also contain fiber that can help regulate your digestion. The vitamin K in cucumbers helps your blood clot, and can help keep your bones healthy.

EGGPLANT: Depending on who you ask, this curious selection of produce has been called a fruit (fact), a vegetable (opinion), and even a berry (botanical definition)! Here’s what we know for sure: eggplant is high in natural plant chemicals called polyphenols, which may help cells do a better job of processing sugar.

MANGO: Another superstar during the summer months, mangoes are sometimes considered the “King of Fruits.” They are packed with nutrients, including protein, fiber, vitamin B6, vitamin A and magnesium. They are also full of anti-oxidants and immune boosting components.

PEACH: This juicy fruit is actually good for your skin! It contains vitamin A, niacin, and copper … all of which had been shown to have a healthy impact on your skin’s tone and texture. Peaches have also been shown to boost bone health and aid with your digestion.

TOMATILLOS: These nightshade family members are native to Mexico, but are widely produced all over the world. Tomatillos are a great source of dietary fiber. They’re also a good source of vitamin C, vitamin A, niacin, and magnesium. Tomatillos have been shown to help help manage weight, balance blood sugar and may even help alleviate symptoms of arthritis.

WATERMELON: This extremely popular summer fruit can be enjoyed in all sorts of ways. And it’s not just great for a sweet treat. It’s even been seasoned and grilled to resemble fresh tuna! Watermelon is another highly effective way to ‘eat your water.’ It’s also a great source of citrulline, an amino acid that can help with muscle recovery and help improve your workouts.

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