Many of us think ‘cardio’ and immediately conjure up images of running, swimming, biking or high intensity impact workouts. But cardio is any movement that gets your heart pumping and your blood moving, and there’s more than a few ways to achieve that goal.


Cardiovascular movement is key to build endurance in overall fitness. That endurance keeps your heart, lungs and circulatory system healthy and ready to respond. Your lungs and heart are able to better use oxygen, which allows . you to exercise for longer periods without getting tired. Cardio-level movement also increases specific antibodies in your blood (immunoglobulins), which ultimately strengthens your immune system. People who engage in regular physical activity can reduce the risk of many diseases like diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

Cardio also has a positive effect on your metabolism. Moving your body regularly at a level that really gets the heart pumping can help you sort and process the the calories your body actually needs to function at an optimal level. It can also help your body discard unused or unneeded intake by passing it as waste (in layman’s terms, it can help you with regular, quality poops).

Regular exercise can help you fight anxiety, stress and even depression. Exercise triggers the release of endorphins, which can rapidly elevate your mood. Working out in a structured and meaningful way several times a week can help you feel better physically and mentally, improve your self-esteem and shift you to a more positive perspective overall.

It can also help you get a good quality night’s sleep. Regular exercise during your waking hours can help soothe a restless or wandering mind at night, and allow you to sleep soundly and wake up refreshed.


Beyond the aforementioned high impact exercises, there are a lot of effective ways to really get your heart pumping and help you work up a sweat:

  • Jumping Rope
  • Shadow Boxing
  • Jumping Jacks
  • Running in place
  • Plank Jacks
  • Plank Crawls
  • Jump Squats
  • Pilates Scissors
  • Alternating Lateral Lunges
  • Lunge Hops
  • Lunge Jumps
  • Sumo Squat Punches
  • High Kicks
  • Frog Jumps
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Alternating Planks (hands to forearms to side)
  • Plank Bunny Hops

No matter what cardio style you try, start slow and work your way into larger and faster movements. Change up your exercises often to keep it interesting and to keep your muscles working at optimal levels. Remember to breathe, don’t forget to hydrate, and always have fun!

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