Healthy Holiday Hacks

We are in the heart of the Holiday Season, and if you’ve lost track of every salty, sugary, syrupy thing you’ve eaten… you’re not alone. Millions of people unconsciously consume unhealthy foods because its there and everyone else is doing it. Plus, you’ve already promised yourself (yet again) that you’ll get healthy in the new year so let’s just live in the moment, right?


The key to changing the holiday consumption narrative is to first be honest about it, then take real steps to make it a reality. But we all know that’s easier said than done. So here are a few hacks to help keep you on track.

  • HYDRATE: Sounds simple, right? But you’d be surprised how many people end up severely dehydrated because they’ve consumed everything but water on a daily basis. Get a water bottle that has a measurement feature so that you can keep real track of how much water you drink everyday. The goal is to empty the bottle by the end of the day, so take it everywhere you go, and make a habit of hydrating before, between, and after every holiday snack.
  • WRITE IT DOWN: We know you don’t want to. Who wants to really face how many cookies, confections and other treats they’ve consumed every day? Do it anyway. Think of it as gathering information. This will give you a real measurement of what you’re eating and drinking, and give you agency to modify the amount or replace some of it with healthier alternatives.
  • PLAN AT LEAST ONE MEAL: It may be impractical to plan every single meal this season, but try to commit to planning at least one. This will force you to focus on what you’re eating and when you’re eating it. You’re much less likely to mindlessly snack if you know exactly what you’re eating and what time that happens for you.
  • CHOOSE AN ALTERNATIVE: Most of the time, it’s not that cookie or pie you’re craving. It’s the sugar and/or the fat. Get in front of the craving with a Seasonal Smoothie. Better yet, prep it the night before and store it in mason jars so you can grab one and take it wherever you go.

Remember that in the quest to be healthy, every little bit helps. The more you make conscious choices in a healthier direction, the more likely those choices are to become habits. No matter what, be kind to yourself. This season, like everything in life, is temporary. Pounds can be lost. Eating habits can be changed. Take care, and have a healthy holiday season.

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